2021 Fuquay-Varina Voter Guide
Fuquay-Varina voters: make your voice heard in this year’s election for Mayor and Board of Commissioners!
Candidates for Fuquay-Varina Mayor (You may vote for one)
Richard Bridgers
no response from candidate

William (Bill) Harris
Background: Originally from Fuquay-Varina. Graduated from high school and attended North Carolina Central University. I have an undergraduate degree in Business Administration and a Masters Degree in Public Administration.
Favorite endorsements for this election: Wake County Democratic Party
What are your top priorities if elected?
My top three priorities are government accountability, responsiveness, and transparency. Working to improve these values in local government will help develop trust in elected leaders.
How will you use your leadership and elected position to ensure community transparency and accountability for the Police Department?
Seek to develop a joint community task force that can be a foundation for future collaborative efforts. I like the idea of a police-citizen academy that opens everyday citizens up to what the police do.
What policies should the city pursue to improve the affordability of housing?
Policies that shape how the city can work with the local developers and invite them to become partners in the effort to build affordable housing. I think there is some merit in public-private partnerships.
Website: WilliamHarrisForMayor.com

Blake Massengill
Background: Fuquay-Varina Mayor Pro-Tem, 2015 – Present; Fuquay-Varina Town Commissioner, 2013 – Present; Fuquay-Varina Planning Board, 2012-2013; Local business owner; Raised in Fuquay-Varina; Past President, FV Rotary Club; FV United Methodist Church member
Favorite endorsements for this election: Wake GOP; Raleigh Regional Association of REALTORS®; Donnie Harrison, Former Wake Co. Sheriff
What are your top priorities if elected?
Transportation/infrastructure improvements, managing growth & taxes, and critical town services. All are essential functions of government, and particularly important in a growing municipality. Each of these priorities impact our citizens every day.
How will you use your leadership and elected position to ensure community transparency and accountability for the Police Department?
FVPD’s commitment to these values is evidenced through community outreach programs, DEI training, minority/female recruitment plans, and outstanding communication. I support continued funding and education for our public safety officials.
What policies should the city pursue to improve the affordability of housing?
Follow our updated Land Use Plan, which allows for diverse housing options via density; Extend water/sewer service to provide more attractive locations for affordable housing; Continue to focus on downtown/urban living with walkable retail.
Website: BlakeMassengill.com

Ty Ziglar
Background: I have a finance degree from VCU and worked as a financial administrator, auditor, tax preparer, realtor, stay-at-home mom, directed operations for a track club, and helped organize the USATS National Junior Olympics. I now manage a dental practice.
Favorite endorsements for this election: I’m not accepting endorsements from special interest groups that ask me to commit to their agendas. I will represent the citizens of Fuquay-Varina.
What are your top priorities if elected?
Responsiveness — holding community “town hall” discussions, returning phone calls and emails. Improving infrastructure — managing growth. Helping small businesses — making downtown more attractive, improving parking, bringing events to our Arts Center.
How will you use your leadership and elected position to ensure community transparency and accountability for the Police Department?
Encouraging more transparent police policies and operations, making the information available on our website. Connecting to build relationships with people whose voices haven’t been heard: not everyone feels safe. “Coffee with a Cop” is a good start.
What policies should the city pursue to improve the affordability of housing?
Our development map and zoning ordinances don’t include affordable housing. Teachers, firefighters, police and military personnel need it. Let’s look at our budget and consider tax credits for fixed-income seniors who have trouble with rising taxes.
Website: ZiglarForMayor.com
Candidates for Fuquay-Varina Board of Commissioners (You may vote for two)

Bryan Haynes
Background: I am a lifetime resident of Fuquay-Varina. I’m a community leader, local minister, non-profit executive director, and small business owner. I’m past chair of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board, and site supervisor for COVID Food Security.
What are your top priorities if elected?
Developing an affordable housing plan for seniors, teachers, veterans, first responders, and young families. Collaborate on regional traffic solutions, solve local parking problems. Increase connectivity in town with shuttles and sidewalks.
How will you use your leadership and elected position to ensure community transparency and accountability for the Police Department?
Develop a shared community problem solving approach by recognizing recurring issues being identified and analyzed, and community members being consulted, to determine the root causes of the issues and find long-term solutions to address them.
What policies should the city pursue to improve the affordability of housing?
Collaborating with Wake County on a regional affordable housing plan and look into effective ways to use inclusionary zoning to improve the affordability of housing and supply.
Website: ChooseHaynes4fv.com

Tracy Watson
Background: I am a dual small business owner. Town’s Planning Board. Past Chairman of the Board of MMIA (Military Missions in Action). I continue to serve that organization as well as a number of other non-profits in the greater Fuquay-Varina area.
What are your top priorities if elected?
Traffic and Growth Control – Maintaining and expanding the towns/community green space – working to get activities/space for our town’s teenagers.
How will you use your leadership and elected position to ensure community transparency and accountability for the Police Department?
The FVPD already has I feel good transparency with the general public using their social media etc. I would like to see more police officer training/diversity and recruitment to grow as our community is growing daily.
What policies should the city pursue to improve the affordability of housing?
I talk to many builders and this is an issue that they also feel passionate about as the price of land and materials go up daily it’s a constant struggle. I would like to see more discussions and look to other municipalities to see what has worked.
Website: facebook.com/Tracy4theQuay

Jason Ora Wunsch
Background: I have served as a Fuquay-Varina Town Commissioner since 2013 and have worked as a local attorney for the past 20 years. I am a graduate of Mars Hill College, Campbell Law School and have attended extensive classes at the UNC School of Government.
What are your top priorities if elected?
I will continue traffic mitigation and road improvement and continue to seek grants to take some of the cost burden off the taxpayer. I will continue to develop our parks, including the highly used Hilltop Needmore Town Park and Preserve.
How will you use your leadership and elected position to ensure community transparency and accountability for the Police Department?
Continuing the extensive training and development that our officers receive and continuing to be transparent with reporting what goes on with our Department, as is currently being done.
What policies should the city pursue to improve the affordability of housing?
The Town can look for opportunities to partner with developers to build affordable housing in the community.
Website: JasonWunsch.com
Voting Tools
Questions about Fuquay-Varina’s election?
Contact the Wake County Board of Elections at 919-404-4040